• 网络与数据中心管理
  • 服务器与应用性能管理
  • IT服务管理
  • Windows AD域管理
  • 终端管理
  • IT安全
  • MSP
  • IT运维平台

Employee Directory

Corporate / Employee Directory Search

An organization is a sea of humanity, arranged in units/departments, working together for a common cause. And human interaction is more common in an organization more than anything else. Thus it becomes imperative that an organization make a 'company employee search' available to all its employees.

Now, that is exactly what ADSelfService Plus, Windows Active Directory password reset software, provides you as a free bonus feature: a smart corporate directory search, more popularly known in the industry as employee search or people finder. This Active Directory search tool even presents you several filter based 'common search key' options e.g. employee search by email id, to widen your employee search in various domains. Four operators - "contains", "starts with", "ends with", and "equals" - make your employee search as simple as it could get! End users can access this free corporate directory search through the employee self service portal (situated at the top right corner).

That is not all! With this employee lookup software, IT administrators and Help desk Agents can view information such as Object GUID, Object Class, Object Created Time, etc! That means administrators are now free from typing long search queries in Windows Active Directory!

(Like self-update, this search utility needs no enrollment)


How End users benefit from this Employee Search Engine

  • Fast AD employee directory search.
  • Can search with 3 AD Objects such as users, contacts & groups.
  • Employees can customize the search criteria.
  • Windows Active Directory Self update option to ensure correctness of information
  • Ability to view important and complete contact details including Photo, Hierarchy, Full Name, email id, address, department, mobile/ office/ residential phone numbers, etc.

Features exclusive for IT administrators in this Corporate Directory Search Engine

  • Filter the Employee Search Engine by Domain / OU based.
  • Can customize the display columns on end users search results.
  • Search user information across multiple Domains.
  • View Object GUID, Object Class, "Created Time", etc

NOTE: 'Self Update', 'Employee Search' and 'Organization Chart' are bonus features and will stay free forever, even after product undergoes further enhancements in the future. As an incentive to its customers, ManageEngine usually offers certain utilities - which are staple business for some - for free!

Organization Chart

ADSelfService Plus offers you a free organizational flow chart known as 'Organization Chart' using which; you can view your position in your organizational hierarchy. Besides displaying your ranking, this feature also puts light on various details that concern to your account.

A few of the key features of User organizational structure

  • Users can view the Employee relations flowchart.
  • Find employee id number.

Active Directory Identity Management

ADSelfService Plus addresses the web based Identity Management challenges of "user accounts security" along with securing many other self-service identity management solutions against any malicious attacks by intruders. The crucial "help desk ticket volumes" that bite into the organizations budget are greatly reduced.

ADSelfService Plus addresses Active Directory identity management challenges by providing

  • Self service password reset / unlock account; upon users forgetting their password or their account getting locked out.
  • Administrators can enforce a stronger password policy and also be confident of reduced help desk calls with the Employee self service portal.
  • Self-service advantages for users to update their own profiles.
  • A reporting mechanism to track the changes in user self update identity information performed using the software.


Other features

Self Reset Password

Free Active Directory users from attending lengthy help desk calls by letting them self-service the password reset task. Password reset just a click away with ADSelfService Plus!

Self Directory Update

Portal that lets Active Directory users update their latest information without the help desk assistance. Self-update feature also ensures that Active Directory database is up-to-date with the user profile changes.

Active Directory Change Password

Hassle-free password change for Active Directory users with ADSelfService Plus. Without help desk assitance users can change their passwords from 'Change Password' console.

Automatic Password Reset/ Account Unlock

Free Active Directory users of 'remembering account/password expiry' issue with 'automatic password reset/account unlock' feature that automates password reset/account unlock task for users.

