• 网络与数据中心管理
  • 服务器与应用性能管理
  • IT服务管理
  • Windows AD域管理
  • 终端管理
  • IT安全
  • MSP
  • IT运维平台

Manage Password

Managing Active Directory user passwords across multiple platforms

In a large IT environment, users will have accounts on different platforms other than Microsoft Windows. To keep the login process simple, they all have the same usernames and passwords. This makes it easier for the end users, who have to remember only one password to gain access to all the systems. But it also makes it difficult for the administrators, because when the password is changed in one system, it has to be replicated across all the other systems.

Managing users' passwords in a large environment is a herculean task to say the least. Add to that the task of managing password and account changes across multiple systems and it becomes extremely difficult. A user cannot afford to have different passwords for the different systems they have access to. Hence, the solution lies in synchronizing password/account changes across multiple systems.

ADSelfService Real-Time Plus Password Synchronizer

ADSelfService Plus's 'Real-Time Password Synchronizer' does exactly that - synchronize password/account changes across a range of cloud-based and on-premise applications - in real-time - and provides a unified self-service identity management solution for your business. When a user makes changes to his/her Windows Active Directory password/account using ADSelfService Plus or using any of the native methods in Windows, the changes are automatically reflected in other systems too. Synchronizing native Windows password changes such as password change via Ctrl+Alt+Del screen and password reset via ADUC console is accomplished by a Password Sync Agent. The agent is also capable of sending Active Directory password change notifications (real-time alerts) via email or SMS to end-users as soon as their passwords are changed or reset. Click here to learn more about how the password sync agent works.

By synchronizing passwords in real-time, users will only have one password to remember for all the systems they have access to, and you can ensure that password changes are made in accordance with the organization policy without any glitches.

ADSelfService Plus supports Windows Active Directory password synchronization across the following systems:



  • IBM i/AS400
  • Oracle E-Business Suite
  • Oracle DB
  • HP UX
  • OpenLDAP
  • AD LDS

Automatically Sync AD User Passwords across multiple platforms

ADSelfService Plus captures all the self-service password/account changes and synchronizes the same across multiple-platforms that are configured with the program. When a user performs a successful self-service operation like Reset Password/Change Password using ADSelfService Plus, Password Synchronizer begins to search for the user in other systems configured for password synchronization. If the user id gets a hit on the other systems as well, then Password Synchronizer automatically performs a password reset on those systems, with the new Windows Active Directory password set by the user using ADSelfService Plus. The only requirement is that the username in other systems need to be the same as in Windows Active Directory. Even if the usernames vary across systems and applications, end-users can simply link their accounts in ADSelfService Plus to automatically sync passwords.

Configuring other platform systems is a breeze, with only minimal information is required from your side. Once done, ADSelfService Plus will automatically synchronize password/account changes with the configured systems.

Salient Aspects of Password Synchronizer

  •  Automatic Password Synchronization: No extra action is required from the user end or from the administrators.
  • Synchronize Password and Account Changes: Synchronizes both password and account changes. If a user unlocks his Windows AD account through ADSelfService Plus, his locked out accounts in other systems, if any, will also get automatically unlocked.
  • Less burden on Users and Administrators: Users will only need to remember one password across multiple systems. Any Windows password/account changes made using ADSelfService Plus is synchronized with other systems. Now, administrators need not worry about password reset tickets for other systems also.
  • Easy to configure: Only minimal information is required to configure a system.


Other features

Self Reset Password

Free Active Directory users from attending lengthy help desk calls by letting them self-service the password reset task. Password reset just a click away with ADSelfService Plus!

Self Unlock Account

Free Active Directory users from lengthy help desk calls with ADSelfService Plus's self-account unlock option. Unlocking an account with ADSelfService Plus is child's play!

Corporate Directory Search

A quick search facility that enables Active Directory users to scout for information about peers by using search keys like phone no., e-mail id, first/ last name of the personality being searched.

Automatic Password Reset/ Account Unlock

Free Active Directory users of 'remembering account/password expiry' issue with 'automatic password reset/account unlock' feature that automates password reset/account unlock task for users.


