Password Manager Pro stores sensitive administrative passwords of enterprise resources in encrypted form in the database. Access to the data is restricted by a single level of authentication - local authentication of PMP or the authentication of third party identity stores like ActiveDirectory or LDAP. To introduce extra level of security, PMP provides two factor authentication. Users will have to authenticate through two successive stages to access the PMP web-interface. While the first authentication will be through the usual native authentication or AD / LDAP, the second level of authentication could be one of the following:
For phone-based authentication, ManageEngine has partnered with PhoneFactor, the leading global provider of phone-based two-factor authentication, to enable simple, effective two-factor security for Password Manager Pro. ManageEngine is a PhoneFactor Alliance Partner and offers seamless integration with PhoneFactor's authentication services.
For RSA part, PMP has entered into a technology partnership with RSA SecurID® two-factor authentication system.Leveraging RSA SecurID authentication as the second level of authentication.