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  • Windows AD域管理
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Group Policy

Active Directory Group Policy Management

Active Directory Group Policy Objects (GPO) are a boon to all Windows Active Directory administrators for managing Active Directory Users, computers and groups easily and quickly. But with only the native AD tools, PowerShell, etc. administrators have to spend quite an amount of time in managing the Group Policy Objects.

ADManager Plus is a web-based Active Directory Management and Reporting software that helps administrators in managing the Group Policy objects of multiple domains, with just mouse-clicks and UI based actions. This software also provides pre-built Group Policy (GPO) Reports to fetch Group Policy related information swiftly. This Active Directory management tool also helps in Microsoft Exchange Server Management and Reporting.

With ADManager Plus, in just a single click, administrators can:

  • Enable/Disable multiple Group Policies
  • Mass manage GPO links: Enable/Disable GPO Links, Add/Remove GPO Links
  • Enforce multiple GPOs / Make them Unenforced
  • Block or Unblock GPO Inheritance for any Domain/Organizational Unit (OU)

Further, administrators can also get to know instantly,

  • The status of all the GPOs available in a Domain
  • All the Domains/Organizational Units (OU)/Sites that a GPO is linked to
  • All the GPOs that are linked to any specific Domain/OU/Site
Enable Disable GPOs

Enable GPOs / Disable GPOs

With this feature, administrators can enable or disable all the required GPOs in any domain, in one single action instantly. Further, if needed, administrators can choose to enable or disable GPOs completely or partially, that is, enable/disable both User configuration and Computer configuration settings, or either the User or Computer configuration settings alone.

Group Policy Objects' (GPO) Status

At any given point of time, it is imperative for the administrators to know all the GPOs that are available and also know their status (enabled/disabled). At just the click of a button, ADManager Plus provides administrators with the list of all available Group Policies in the domain along with the status of the Group Policy as a whole and also the User and Computer configuration settings separately, in one single consolidated view.

Manage GPO Links

Manage GPO Links

For any container, at any given point of time, there might be many Group Policies linked to it. Over a period of time, with changing needs and requirements the number of Group Policies that will be linked to a container could get quite high. Managing the links of all the GPOs will certainly be a pain for any administrators.

As per the policies or requirement, administrators will have to add new GPO links or remove existing GPO links, or sometimes enable or disable the existing GPO links, as needed. With ADManager Plus, administrators can, in one swift action, select multiple GPO links of any container and perform the required management action: enable GPO links, disable GPO links, add GPO links or remove GPO links, instantaneously.

Enforce GPOs or Make GPOs Unenforced

In any organization, administrators will have to enforce some specific settings over the others and the easiest way for them to do is enforce those settings through a Group Policy. Sometimes, they might also be required to make the policies that are already being enforced, unenforced. With the Enforce / Unenforce GPO options of ADManager Plus, administrators can at one go, enforce the required GPOs or make the GPOs that are being enforced, unenforced.

Block Unblock GPO Inheritance

Block / Unblock GPO Inheritance

With this feature, administrators can block or unblock the required containers from inheriting the Group Policy settings from their parent objects. All that an administrator has to do is, just select the required container and block or unblock the inheritance at just the click of a mouse button. Use the free download of this tool's trial version to try out all these features.

GPO's Links

GPO's Links

To manage all the Group Policies and in turn their Active Directory efficiently administrators must know all the Active Directory containers to which a GPO is being applied to. With ADManager Plus, administrators can easily find out all the Domains, Organizational Units (OU) and Sites that a GPO is linked to. Further, administrators can also view the status of all the GPO's links as well as know if they are enforced or not.

Group Policies (GPOs) Linked to a Container

With this option, administrators can easily get to know the complete list of all the GPOs associated with a specific Domain / Organizational Unit / Site. Additionally, this features also shows the status of all the GPO links (enabled / disable), their enforcement status (enforce / not enforced) along with the status of the GPO as well, that is, whether it is enabled / disabled fully or partially (user or computer configuration settings alone).

Other features

Bulk User Management

Fire a shotgun-shell of AD User Management Tasks in a Single Shot. Also use csv files to manage users. Effect bulk changes in the Active Directory, including configuring Exchange attributes.

Active Directory Password Management

Reset password and set password propertied from a single web-based console, without compromising on the security of your AD! Delegate your password-reset powers to the helpdesk technicians too!

Active Directory User Reports

Exhaustive reporting on Active Directory Users and user-attributes. Generate reports in user-activity in your Active Directory. Perform user-management actions right from the report interface!

Active Directory Compliance Reports

Active Directory reports to assist you for compliance to Government Regulatory Acts like SOX, HIPAA, GLBA, PCI, USA PATRIOT...and much more! Make your organization compliance-perfect!

Active Directory Workflow

A mini Active Directory ticket-management and compliance toolkit right within ADManager Plus! Define a rigid yet flexible constitution for every task in your AD. Tighten the reins of your AD Security.

Active Directory Automation

A complete automation of AD critical tasks such as user provisioning, inactive-user clean up etc. Also lets you sequence and execute follow-up tasks and blends with workflow to offer a brilliant controlled-automation.

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