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  • 服务器与应用性能管理
  • IT服务管理
  • Windows AD域管理
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  • IT安全
  • MSP
  • IT运维平台
NTFS Permissions

NTFS Permissions Management

ADManager Plus has a dedicated section for NTFS permissions management, a very crucial user access management operation in an organization.

What's different about ADManager Plus's File Server Management?

The file server management section in ADManager Plus offers a GUI through which one can manage permissions on shares, folders, and files in the Active Directory environment. Such GUI-based NTFS permission management offers clarity, and most importantly, an operational efficiency, which makes even such painstaking job as file server permission management an breeze.

Furthermore, a set of prepackaged NTFS permissions reports offers a quick and clear picture of existing permissions, which makes it amply clear to the administrators how permissions should be modified or handled. The reports in this category are as follows:

  • Shares in servers
  • Permissions for folders
  • Folders accessible by accounts
  • Non-inheritable folders offer

The File Permissions Management Operations

ADManager Plus' NTFS File permissions management section operates swiftly in a GUI-controlled manner:

  • Modify NTFS permissions
  • Revoke NTFS permissions

Modify NTFS permissions - to define action users can take on folders and files on the network and locally. ADManager Plus facilitates NTFS permissions management in just a few mouse clicks:

  • Select the "Folder" on which permissions are to be modified.
  • Then select the "user account" for which permissions should be changed.
  • From the permissions' drop down list choose the permissions set to be applied. Choose the type of permission "allow" or "deny"
  • Click on the "Modify" button
  • In this section :
    • you also have options to block or enforce inheritance
    • You can replace an old set of permissions with a new set in just one step without any chaos
    • You can enforce a parent folder's permission on all subfolders, and simultaneously nullify the old permission set

Revoke NTFS permissions - to revoke permissions users have on folders and files on the network and locally. Revoking permissions can be done in bulk and in 3 simple steps:

  • Choose the folder (say financial-data) on which the permissions are to be revoked.
  • Select the users or group (Bob, Lisa, Matt...), whose permissions are to be revoked then chose the rights (all permission, full control, read, write) and type (allow/deny).
  • While revoking NTFS permissions, from the drop down list box choose the folder levels(parent folder, subfolder..) at which the permissions should be revoked and click remove

When permissions are disciplined and more accurate, there is more accountability for actions and less room for misuse or tampering data of any kind. Get the free download of this software's trial version to explore all its NTFS permission management options in detail.

The Importance of Effective NTFS Permission Management:

NTFS permissions are solely important to manage security internally. NTFS permissions decide and define what actions users can perform on folders and files both locally and over the network. When compared to share permissions, NTFS permissions can be applied at more granular levels, hence the wise usage of these permissions can keep security threats at bay.

Unfortunately, assigning NTFS permissions might not be a one-time action; it poses a lot of challenges. From time to time NTFS permissions of a user might change. Say for example when an employee's role changes (maybe due to a promotion, or transfer, and so forth), there will be change in the groups he belongs to, the resources he will access and so on...

  • These changes are tedious when done one user at a time.
  • Most of the times IT assigns permissions associated with the new roles and saves the 'revoking permissions' part for another less hectic day. The security threat that lies in excess access is always sold short.
  • Another big threat is the everyone group - when there are many users to give access to, the everyone group becomes the easy way out

With ADManager Plus NTFS permissions manager one can discipline and organize the NTFS file permissions in bulk, hence making the environment more efficient and secure.

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