• 网络与数据中心管理
  • 服务器与应用性能管理
  • IT服务管理
  • Windows AD域管理
  • 终端管理
  • IT安全
  • MSP
  • IT运维平台

Mobile Client - SupportCenter Plus


SupportCenter Plus mobile client improves the efficiency and productivity of your support system by providing the Support Reps with the ability to instantly access their requests while they are away from their desk through their mobile devices. It is completely a browser based web application.

SupportCenter Mobile Client is compatible with mobile devices such as iPhone, Android, Blackberry and other Smartphones, and is accessed through the mobile browser on typing the URL http://<machine-name>:<port-number>/m.


  • Supports request module features such as creating new request, viewing request details, adding resolution to a request, adding time entry, assigning support reps to a request, closing completed requests and deleting requests.
  • Get an overview of number of Overdue requests, Reuqests due today and Pending requests of the logged in Support Rep.
  • Search for requests on entering the Request ID in the Search text field.
  • Displays the business units configured in SupportCenter Plus. The business units assigned and enabled to the logged-in support rep are displayed under this tab.
  • Change the language to be displayed in the application.
SupportCenter Plus - Mobile Client
SupportCenter Plus - Mobile Client
Mobile Client Demo
URL : demo.supportcenterplus.com/m
  Username: demo    Password: demo

For more details, please refer to the Help Document